Welcome to Oxford Anglican Cursillo

Prayers please
Oxford #20 first training day - Saturday 1st February

Pre Lent Ultreya
Sat 1st March 1:45-4:00
St Mary’s Church, Church Green, Witney, OX28 4AW

New  - links to our X/Twitter and FaceBook pages - top right

Application Forms

Interested in going on a Weekend?

Information about what happens on the Cursillo weekend is available on the Weekends  page.  Please read that first and if you would like to apply, you will need to download and complete this Pilgrim Application Form

You will also need a sponsor, who is someone already part of the Cursillo movement, ideally someone that you know well and who will help you prepare for the weekend and support you in prayer.  If you do not know anyone who could act as a sponsor, please contact the Lay Director who will be pleased to help you find a sponsor.

Interested in sponsoring a Pilgrim on a Weekend?

Sponsoring a Pilgrim on a Cursillo Weekend can be very rewarding. The Sponsorship Guidelines provide guidance on what is involved. If there is someone you think might benefit from going on a Cursillo Weekend, discuss it with them. When the person is ready, help them to complete the Application Form. You should also complete and submit this Sponsor Application Form

Interested in supporting a Weekend?

There are many ways that you can support the Cursillo Weekend, starting with prayer. If you feel able to support the Weekend in other ways, please get in contact with Mel Stanley at weekend@oxfordcursillo.org.uk



Last updated 18th December 2024 MC

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