Welcome to Oxford Anglican Cursillo

Prayers please
Oxford #20 first training day - Saturday 1st February

Pre Lent Ultreya
Sat 1st March 1:45-4:00
St Mary’s Church, Church Green, Witney, OX28 4AW

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Safeguarding Policy


This policy has been adopted by the Secretariat of Oxford Anglican Cursillo, will be reviewed each year and presented to the Annual General Meeting, to monitor and report on any action required. 

  1. We recognise that everyone has different levels of vulnerability and that each of us may be regarded as vulnerable at some time in our lives. 
  2. As members of this organisation, we commit ourselves to respectful pastoral care for all adults to whom we minister, to enable them to worship and grow in Christ safely. 
  3. We commit ourselves to the safeguarding of people who may be vulnerable, ensuring their wellbeing in the life of this group. 
  4. We commit ourselves to promoting safe practice by those in positions of trust. 
  5. Oxford Anglican Cursillo commits itself to the inclusion and empowerment of people who may be vulnerable. 
  6. It is the responsibility of each of us to prevent the physical, emotional, sexual, financial and spiritual abuse of vulnerable people, and to report any such abuse that we discover or suspect. 
  7. We undertake to exercise proper care in the appointment and selection of those who will work with people who may be vulnerable. 
  8. Oxford Anglican Cursillo is committed to supporting, resourcing, training and regularly reviewing those who undertake work amongst people who may be vulnerable. 
  9. Oxford Anglican Cursillo adopts the guidelines of the Church of England and follows the guidelines within the Oxford Diocese Safeguarding Policy. 
  10. Each person who works within Oxford Anglican Cursillo will agree to abide by this policy and the guidelines established by this organisation. 
  11. Oxford Anglican Cursillo appoints Sarah Jane Ebanja as Safeguarding Officer to represent the concerns and views of vulnerable people at our meetings and to outside bodies. 
  12. Any concerns that occur on an Oxford Anglican Cursillo weekend should be reported to the Lay Rector and Safeguarding Officer appointed for the weekend, and then forwarded immediately to the Oxford Anglican Cursillo Safeguarding Officer, SarahJane Ebanja (safeguarding@oxfordcursillo.org.uk) who will then consult and seek advice from the Oxford Diocesan Safeguarding Officer.

 Further information: www.oxford.anglican.org/safeguarding 

Last review: November 2023


This page last edited 3rd May 2024 (MC)

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