Welcome to Oxford Anglican Cursillo

Prayers please
Oxford #20 first training day - Saturday 1st February

Pre Lent Ultreya
Sat 1st March 1:45-4:00
St Mary’s Church, Church Green, Witney, OX28 4AW

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Reunion Group

Group Reunions are small groups meeting regularly for mutual encouragement and support through prayer, study and action. These are designed to help people live out their faith in the Church, their community and workplace.

If you have recently been on a Cusillo Weekend, your sponsor will help you find a convenient group to join.  Alternatively, if you have moved into the Oxford Diocese and have been part of Cursillo in your previous diocese, please email us so that we can put you in touch with possible groups. You can also join a group even if you haven’t been on a Cursillo weekend, which is a great way to find out what Cursillo is like. And if you are unable to meet in person or are too far away from an existing group, there are also opportunities to meet by Zoom. 

Contact us by email for more details.

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