Welcome to Oxford Anglican Cursillo

Prayers please
Oxford #20 first training day - Saturday 1st February

Pre Lent Ultreya
Sat 1st March 1:45-4:00
St Mary’s Church, Church Green, Witney, OX28 4AW

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What is Cursillo?

What is Cursillo?

The word Cursillo is a Spanish word meaning a short course.  Cursillo originated in Spain in the 1940s. The movement spread to the USA and from there to many countries throughout the world.

Cursillo is a way of Renewal in the Church. It draws on the rich heritage of faith and experience to help us to know that God loves us and that we are to love one another.  Its purpose is to strengthen Christians to a deeper relationship with God and to help them to understand and grow in the development of their gifts.

Many people are introduced to Cursillo through the Cursillo weekend, the ‘short course’ from which the movement derives its name.  Following the weekend, the onward journey of faith continues with the support of others in the movement through the Reunion Groups, regular meetings of members in small support groups, and through the wider gatherings of the movement known as Ultreyas.

The goal of Cursillo is nothing less than to bring Christ to the world through the apostolic action of Christians in all areas of human activity.

What does Cursillo offer?

Cursillo offers an opportunity to grow in faith and to discover the meaning of life in Christ, sharing in the creative process of becoming the people God intends us to be… a means of encouraging Christian action in the world and a continuing experience of Christian community life. Cursillo is one expression of the love Christ has shown through his redemption.

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