Welcome to Oxford Anglican Cursillo

Prayers please
Oxford #20 first training day - Saturday 1st February

Pre Lent Ultreya
Sat 1st March 1:45-4:00
St Mary’s Church, Church Green, Witney, OX28 4AW

New  - links to our X/Twitter and FaceBook pages - top right


No Secrets only Surprises!

  • If you are looking for a secret society, you have come to the wrong place!  Perhaps you should sit down with a  Dan Brown novel instead?
  • All our events are open to enquirers – indeed, we would love to see you at our next Ultreya!
  • On a Cursillo weekend, we simply try to share God’s Love.  How do you let someone know that they are loved: Flowers? Chocolates?  A surprise party?  Or even commission a plane to tow a banner that reads “GOD LOVES YOU!”?  If you read every word on this website, there won’t be many surprises left, and you may be disappointed if you are expecting something which doesn’t then happen, like if it is foggy and the plane is grounded or, indeed, if is this example were just an example (which it is – sorry!)
  • Cursillo Weekends are confidential because conversations often become deep and personal and we respect everyone’s privacy, both during and after the weekend.  However, most cursillistas will be very happy to share their own experience.

Why did no one tell me about it before?

We are relatively few in number and doing our best to raise awareness of Cursillo in this Diocese.  We can only accommodate a dozen guests (or “pilgrims”) on a weekend.

As a movement within the church, this website and everything else we do is voluntary and we are actively involved in our own church activities as our main priority.  For example, clergy involvement is what former Diocesan Bishop, John Pritchard, himself a Cursillista,  described as a “sixth day ministry”.

We would love to you to be part of the solution – please tell your friends and join our community on Facebook…there really are NO secrets!

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